The Findings of YOUR Soul Reveal reading… [only unlocks of pd]

I know that I said it in our session together; however, it is worth repeating… thank you for the trust you have bestowed on me up to this point.  I thank you for the gift of living in my purpose on this planet. It is my absolute belief that we are all here on purpose.  That purpose is to learn as much about “being” a Human as possible from the unique individual perspective of Self.

Here are the components that you were promised in your recent Soul reveal reading with me recently…

Zoom link

This is the video that we recently recorded together during our one-on-one session. The zoom link presented to you will ONLY be active for 7 days after your session.  This is your private, confidential and personal information that we do not hold onto.  You MUST save the actual video in your own backend ie youtube on your computer hard drive.  If you did not give verbal permission to record his session then there is no video link available for you.

Please rewatch this video as it will support you in doing your homework.  You can pause it to take notes and to jot down any questions that you may have for me.  All questions can be sent to this EMAIL address.  If you are a member of the Exploring Energy Medicine Community (a free membership discussed below) then I will answer your questions personally.  Otherwise, someone on my administrative team, also a certified bioenergetic practitioner, will answer you. Please be patient as I get a lot of emails.


Divine Assignment Document

This pdf document is unique to you and you alone.  Please make sure that you save it in your own backend.  If you decide to work with me in the future you will need to know this information.  The document outlines each piece of information pulled from your reading, including:

LORRAINE can we reformat this for the bullet points to move over ?

  • if you are highly sensitive, an empath (level) or a channel
  • where you hold your unprocessed blocks AND where you hold the blocked energy of trying to do others’ work for them
  • each piece of your Divine Assignment – WHY you are here (mission/female or task/male), your TRUE PATH (masculine or feminine) and your Navigation Type – giver, taker, egalitarian, parent, child and chameleon
  • The true name of each of your FEAR stories – hard to be human passed on from your biological mother’s side of the family, alone and unprotected passed on from your biological father’s side of the family and your greatest self-doubt created by you in the womb from all of the noise of all of the generations fear stories before you

insert a button to PDF doc in 3 or Google drive


In our session, I shared with you the metaphysical and.or the metaphysical psychological definitions used to explain what I was sharing with you.  These definitions are very general in nature and are just a starting point.  They are designed to be relatable to all energy and navigation types.  They are for reference only.

Gender Energy

Your Gender Energy is NOT about your physical body or your sexuality.  It is the answer to WHY you decided to come to Human Being.  It is based on the Natural Law of Generation.  It is the way in which you create or generate your purposefulness.  Too many people want our purpose here to be material – a relationship, a place we live or a job we perform.  That is what is wrong with this planet.  Our purpose is a specific PROCESS that is unique to each individual…

DO NOT TRY TO MAKE YOURSELF FIT INTO ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT YOUR SOUL SHARE.  Yes, other energies may be more familiar to your right now but they are not true.  And, if you are honest with yourself, they have not really worked out so great, have they?  Stick to figuring out your truth not staying stuck in the illusion.

male energy…

If you are MALE energy. Your PROCESS is that you are here to be TASK-oriented.  What does that mean?  Well, you are here to learn as much about the experience called Human Being as possible and you are energetically and cellular designed – yes designed – to achieve that as MALE ENERGY.  Your process is as follows, in this order and as a completed as a full cycle.  Failing to follow this process or complete the cycle will take you out of alignment (you will either be blocked and unable to be on purpose or you will chameleon into FEMALE energy and be completely out of alignment – every single time, no exception.  Out of alignment creates pain and suffering and feeds to you your FEAR stories – again… every time and without exception.


Step #1. Seek knowledge and awareness through Self Love.  LEARN, figure out and accept as much as you can about yourself.  Who you want to be and how to be that with ease.  Avoiding this step creates what we call unconscious incompetence and renders you incapable of steps 2 and 3.  This is the main cause of Spiritual Disconnection – uninspired, self-sabotage, anxiety/depression.

Step  #2. Deliberate on what you learn about yourself.  Take time to really PROCESS and make amendments to things that do not work for you, seeking out more of what has worked.  I, personally, love meditation and journaling as both a tool and a skill for personal and spiritual development.  Too many people skip this process for themselves, they put themselves last and too quickly move on to step 3.  Your purpose here is to truly KNOW your own Self.

Step #3. MOVE ON.  You are here to accumulate as much information as possible.  What you do with this information is less important than that you are always questioning, and seeing from all perspectives.  Your life cycle is designed to rapidly repeat steps 1 and 2 over and over – taking you to new levels of awareness all of the time.  Should you choose to share this information  – awesome – as long as that does not stagnate you in any shape or form. Staying anywhere, physically or intellectually, once you have learned that lesson will only create suffering.  THIS is exactly why you are here – it is who you are meant to be.  

Do not take this lightly.  Your Soul now knows that you know why you are here.  It is time to CHOOSE you! 

female energy…

If you are FEMALE energy. Your PROCESS is that you are here on a MISSION.  What does that mean?  Well, you are here to learn as much about the experience called Human Being as possible and you are energetically and cellular designed – yes designed – to achieve that as FEMALE ENERGY.  Your process is as follows, in this order and as a completed as a full cycle.  Failing to follow this process or complete the cycle will take you out of alignment ( you will either be blocked and unable to be on purpose or you will chameleon into MALE energy and be completely out of alignment – every single time, no exception.  Out of alignment creates pain and suffering and feeds to you your FEAR stories – again… every time and without exception.

MISSION Process:

Step #1. Seek knowledge and awareness through Self Love.  LEARN, figure out and accept as much as you can about yourself.  Who you want to be and how to be that with ease.  Avoiding this step creates what we call unconscious incompetence and renders you incapable of steps 2 and 3.  This is the main cause of Spiritual Disconnection – uninspired, self-sabotage, anxiety/depression.

Step  #2. Deliberate on what you learn about yourself.  Take time to really PROCESS and make amendments to things that do not work for you, seeking out more of what has worked.  I, personally, love meditation and journaling as both a tool and a skill for personal and spiritual development.  Too many people skip this process for themselves, they put themselves last and too quickly move on to step 3.  Your purpose here is to truly KNOW your own Self.

Step #3. SHARE your wisdom in some way that is EPIC to you with the world around you.  It takes you out of your comfort zone but creates so much fulfillment.  THIS is exactly why you are here – it is who you are meant to be.  

Do not take this lightly.  Your Soul now knows that you know why you are here.  It is time to CHOOSE you! 

True Energy Type

Your True Energy Type is NOT about any “new-agism” of the Divine Masculine and Feminine and it is not about balancing Yin or Yang energy.  Imagine that life is a highway; that highway only has 2 lanes – the fast lane and the slow lane.  Both are awesome BUT only one of them is “right” for you.  Being out of alignment with this energy is very PHYSICALLY taxing on you and is the reason that you create and attract chaos.  This is the most important awareness of your behaviour that you will EVER have.


If you are MASCULINE ENERGY.  [put in a drop down box] Your lane is the FAST lane.  This means that your superpower, should you choose to develop it, is to actually and literally speed things down for yourself and others.  You can speed up time, thoughts, feelings and experiences. When you go too slow or avoid taking action then the effect will always be chaos. You create by doing – figure out what you want then make it happen.  Stop settling for whatever comes your way.  While being present in the moment is great – you have the ability to move quickly through the past to understand what went wrong and to move quickly through the future to analyze opportunities.  Make sure “quickly” is always the keyword when not in the present moment – getting stuck in the past is depression for you and projecting too far into the future is anxiety – no exception. You absolutely require some element of risk, action and /or adventure in order to thrive.  You are meant to be active, creative and intelligent.  If you are not or couldn’t fathom “being” those things that are a great indication that you are out of alignment and in survival mode.

To sum it up  – be quick, use past/present/future as resources and make it happen vs let it happen.


If you are FEMININE ENERGY. Your lane is the SLOW lane.  This means that your superpower, should you choose to develop it, is to actually and literally slow things down for yourself and others.  You can slow down time, thoughts, feelings and experiences. When you go too fast, do too much or take on more than you can handle the effect will always be chaos. You create by allowing – ask for what you want, stay present in the moment and allow what you have asked for to show up.  Stop settling for whatever comes your way.  Stand your ground, be patient and wait for the exact energy you are asking for.  Being present in the moment is super important for you.  Getting stuck in the past is depression for you and projecting too far into the future is anxiety – no exception. You do not require risk in order to thrive.  You are meant to be passive, nurturing and wise.  If you are not or couldn’t fathom “being” those things that is a great indication that you are out of alignment and in survival mode.

To sum it up  – slow it down, be present in the moment, and create by allowing vs taking action.

Navigation Type

We choose our Navigation type before we get here because we know that once we are here not only will we forget why we are here but so will everyone else.  Each Nav Type is supported by an equal and an opposite.  Just as each Nav Type is depleted by a nemesis.  Except for Egalitarians – there is no equal or opposite for you guys… you MUST find each other – this is a big human assignment.

Your EQUAL ENERGY is the ideal intimate Love relationship partner.  This is someone that we have come to love on a physical level and will most often begin as a sexual relationship.  Their in-alignment characteristics feed our in-alignment characteristics.  We are able to most easily “create” a life with them – figuratively and literally.

Your OPPOSITE ENERGY is the ideal best friend, business partner or collaborator.  This is and will always be a platonic relationship – while there is love it is not sexual in nature.  This type of creative relationship is more focused on quality of life.

Your NEMESIS ENERGY literally creates and maintains the energy that competes with, steals and overwhelms.  We can be the nemesis and we will also have a nemesis.  This is the explanation when you meet someone for the first time and you think that you do not like them but do not know why.  It has nothing to do with them as a person but their energetic reaction to yours and vice versa.

AS please copy and paste the definitions into these boxes



Your homework is simple, yet not so easy.  You will have to choose to do your work honestly.  It may take a few days, a few weeks or even longer.  This is THE most important Self development work you will ever do.  It is the beginning. There is no obligation on you to me for you to do this work.  However, your Soul knows that you know exactly what is causing chaos in your life.  Yes, being out of alignment with your Divine Assignment creates chaos.  Consuming, with unconscious awareness, your generational trauma is poison and it is literally killing you.

So, here is your homework.  

Define for yourself what it DOES and what it DOES NOT mean to you to be in alignment with your Divine Assignment pieces – with your GENDER energy, your TRUE ENERGY type and your NAVIGATION type  – this is why you have come here… to learn as much about yourself as possible.  You chose these beacons of awareness to keep you in alignment with your truth. 
All you have to do to get started is to print these two simplework sheets, fill it out and then take it from there:

[insert a 2 BUTTONS – button an S3 form that looks like image A called Divine Assignment Worksheet and beside that another button of an S3 form that looks like B called FEAR story worksheet]

Join Our Community

My online community, called Exploring Energry Medicine, currently being held on Facebook, is a private group of people just like you who have completed their Soul Reveal reading. I am asking you to join this group not to participate in any activity. This group flags you in my backsystem to let me know that I have promised you access to me. It gives to you not only some great content but also the ability to reach out to me with your questions by email, text, Facebook private message or by tagging me in a post in the group. When you use any of these features I guareentee to get back to you personally (as quickly as I can). If you are not a member of this group and you reach out to me – someone on my team, a certified Bioenergetic therapist, will get back to you and answer you questions in an administrative way.

I hope that you decide to join me…

AS add the link to the EEM FB page