The Short cut to Self Mastery
Receive your Divine Blueprint
& Reformat to Spirit Energy
a self directed spiritual journey

Let me ask you this...
Are you ready to create your Divine Blueprint ?
The Human Being User Manual Course is for you
IF you truly want to do your Spiritual shadow work
& you know that you have
healed your generational trauma
IF you have been searching for a proven method
to guide you on a self directed,
self-paced REMEMBERING journey of
Spiritual Realization?
Have you decided with your whole heart that you are
ready to kick uninspired, self-sabotage, anxiety, depression
and chronic pain to the curb?
If you answered YES to any of these questions
then Human Being User Manual is for YOU!
Since 2020 the human beign user manual has successfully shifted thousands of people just like YOU out of unconscious incompetence And every single one of them started exactly where you are right now…
wondering if this process was the one thing that would finally change the trajectory of their lives and for most, the answer has been a resounding YEs!
What do you need to live the most empowered life?
- SELF AWARENESS ~ the ability to recognize your patterns of behavior, reflect on the casue and effect and then to shift into your highest good in the quickest amount of time
- A PROVEN PROCESS that not only heals the trauma but provides on going self actualization for any given situation
- A SYSTEM OF SUPPORT that understands exactly what you are going through and offers a lifetime of mentorship
That sounds pretty simple, right? First, you need awareness of what is actually causing your pain and suffering… the truth, not a diagnosis or a prescription but the truth! Then a proven process to shift you from the low frequency of HURT to a high frequency of HEAL and finally, the support of others, just like you, who have done the work and changed their lives.
I get it, I really do – these may not be the things that you think that you want or even what you have been asking for, HOWEVER, they are exactly what you NEED. How do I know? Because not only have I been exactly where you are at but since 2009 this is what my team and I do all day, every day.
If you have not already – make sure that you have read the complimentary guide called The Divine Blueprint. Not only will it answer all of your questions it will provide empowering tools for your Spiritual Journey. When you are ready you will know if the Human Being User Manual is for you because you have already done spiritual shadow work and you have healed your generational trauma. You are looking for your ‘unique map’ and you want a Spiritual Guide to show you the way!
Human Being User Manual™
Can you relate to one of these two scenarios?
You have an amazing life that YOU KNOW you should be grateful for, but you’re losing sleep wondering WHY you just can’t be happy. It seems near impossible and it does not seem to be getting any better! You are frustrated, overwhelmed and you have had enough.
You’ve tried EVERYTHING, but it has all led to even more lack of inspiration, self-sabotage, anxiety, and depression than you can handle. You know “there has to be more to life than just this”, but have NO idea what to do or how to do it.
Either way, you find yourself wondering…
How am I going to STOP feeling like this?
Why am I on this rollercoaster of negative thoughts and overwhelming emotions?
What if I cannot take my power back; what if I am just not worthy of being happy?
Maybe there is no hope for me…
Let’s ditch all the past doubt, frustration, struggle, overwhelm, anger, and worry; let’s skip right to the good stuff – aka the answers!
YES! Human Being User Manual will SHOW you a Spiritual Path that leads to happiness most of the time; even better it will create for a Human being user manual – after all isn’t that what we all need?
YES! Human Being User Manual will not only EXPLAIN the cause of your negative thoughts and overwhelming emotions but it will also shift the quality of your entire life.
YES! Soul Healing Protocol will give you ALL OF TOOLS to take your power back; not just now but in the future as well.
CREATE your unique to you
'human being user manual'
This is a proprietary step-by-step online “do it for you” spiritual map building process that is proven to activate your ‘unique to you’ Divine Blueprint and give you all of the tools you need to live a “mostly awesome, most of the time” life.
If you do not require healing generational trauma or deprogramming within the cellular memory this is the best option for you.
The Human Being User Manual begins with a channeled reading of your bioenergetic field and cellular memory as outlined in the complimentary guide called the ‘Divine Blueprint’ – providing you ALL of the Spiritual answers required to remember your purpose on this planet. Then, together we will reprogram the neural pathways of your brain by teaching you the tools of Self Mastery – all in 16 weeks.
In each of the modules, Traci, personally, gently guides you through a process of learning, sharing, healing, and growth that meets you exactly where you are at and takes you exactly where you are ready and willing to go…
Through Self-driven online Metaphysical Lessons and weekly Coaching Calls we will:
LEARN EMPOWERING METAPHYSICAL TRUTHS that offer some big a-ha moments like the “3 Day Cycle”, “The 4 ways Source communicates” and “4 levels of awareness” that we strive to embody
CHANNEL YOUR DIVINE ASSIGNMENT, your FEAR stories and your TRIGGER energy to reset your own unique negative polarity to it’s highest vibration; learning use this powerful metaphysical gift to recognize your own patterns and to grow both personally and spiritually
REVEAL YOUR POWER ENERGY to reset your own unique positive polarity to its highest vibration; learning to use this powerful metaphysical gift keeps you in alignment with your Divine Assignment – creating “mostly awesome, most of the time”
CHANNELING YOUR DIVINE ASSIGNMENT to remember your LOVE stories – the opposite energy of your FEAR stories; allowing you to remember your core values
CREATE YOUR ‘UNIQUE TO YOU’ HUMAN BEING USER MANUAL; a powerful tool called the Scale of Awareness that aids in keeping you in alignment with your True and Authentic Self
REPROGRAM YOUR POWER ENERGY into the 12 Earth Lessons – the 12 most important areas of life that scientist have proven are essential in creating and maintaining our happiness including SELF [physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, character] INFLUENTIAL OTHERS [intimate love, parent/child, social] and LIFE [career, finances, quality of life and vision for the future]
BUILD YOUR VERY OWN SELF MASTERY BLUEPRINT designed to grow with you as you navigate human being as Spirit Energy; supporting you through all that life offers!
What else does your investment include to offer ongoing support you on your Spiritual Journey…
lifetime ACCESS to the online portal called the Self Awareness Academy, specifically access into the container called Human Being User Manual that you can access over and over!
an optional weekly COACHING CALLS live on Zoom; available for 18 weeks!
an online community of like-minded Spiritual Seekers doing the same work that you are!
About Traci

- a Bioenergetic Therapist, Spiritual Guide and Teacher ~ this means that my work is within the intricate layers of your Human Bioenergetic Field (the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers of energy that surround and support you in this Third Dimensional Reality called Human Being)
- a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences specializing in Energy Medicine, a Doctorate in Metaphysical Psychology specializing in Epigenetics. Most recently embarking on a certification as an Ayurveda Practitioner and training in Psychedelic-assisted Therapy
- As a Spiritual Xenagogue, I am mystical tour guide and translator effortlessly traversing the space between heart-driven energy medicine and the traditional ways of mystical knowing.
- click HERE more about Traci
After reformatting to your divine blueprint you will:
BE GUIDED ~ by a Scale of Awareness designed from your own cellular memory; a documented, 'unique to you' Human Being User Manual
BE ALIGNED ~ not only to your True Path and highest good with a blueprint for Self Mastery but also to a higher frequency than you have ever known before
BE SUPPORTED & MENTORED ~ for a lifetime with online tools and resources including 18 weeks of live online coaching
It's time to Activate Your Divine Blueprint...
Embrace your truth as Spirit being having a human experience here to live a most fulfilling life!
what other spiritual seekers are saying
It may sound weird, but I felt a nudge from the universe that meeting you was in my highest good (I now understand it was the universe). It took just that one session for me to know this is where I wanted to be to learn more about myself, the Universe and energy medicine. My awareness of self and others has skyrocketed because of my Soul Healing Protocol. For once, I know my life path and who I want to be. Doing this work on me and for others feels great!

Donna K
I just wanted to take the time to tell you how REVOLUTIONARY the love/fear scale [human being user manual] you help us design in Soul Healing Protocol is. It has given me a working model to effectively pull myself out of a pattern I couldn't before. I can't thank you enough for sharing this tool, I will be forever grateful for this and all of the teachings you share. Thank goodness (and obviously!) I found you in this lifetime!

Kylie C
I have been working with Traci since 2017. Learning my Divine Assignment and FEAR stories was just the beginning for me. I love to learn and I wanted to know and love my True Self. This Spiritual path, it turns out, is exactly where I was meant to be. I am so grateful that I started my Soul Healing Protocol journey - Traci's teaching style, her commitment to her students and her own spiritual development has been exactly what I needed as I have grown to become "mostly awesome, most of the time".

Shirley G