Bonus Material:
To support you on your physical journey, here are several OPTIONAL resources. You may not bother with them now but know that they are here, in your portal to come back to any time you are looking to level up in PHYSICAL…
This is the pdf document called Self Mastery Program – Chapter 8: Social that Traci wrote in 2016 and reads to you in lesson part A. It is optional for you to print it or to read it on your own…
One of the biggest challenges in Social is learning to set boundaries for ourselves and others. There is a Human disease called “having to please others at our own expenses”. This disease triggers our B4 and makes social relationships very challenging. Check out my podcast from my live radio show on Inspired Choices Network also aired on iHeart Radio
PODCAST: Having to Please Others
A really powerful way to hold your own, especially in social situations is to learn to become the WITNESS. This is especially important for Empaths who seem to “take’ others thoughts and feelings as their own. As we learn to be the witness social interaction is easier and more enjoyable…
Being a Part of Like-Minded Community
Community is an essential part of both creating and maintaining our overall well-being. Gather together with other like-minded people is essential. Much of our suffering comes from being constantly triggered by other people who are not doing their own work honestly.
The people we choose to surround ourselves with will eventually shape the way we think, behave, and feel on a daily basis.
Surrounding yourself with people who lift you up, lend you knowledge, and help you learn from mistakes will eventually raise your standards to become a better person in the long run.
I offer two online membership communities (below). You might also be interested in local groups that you can connect with… or even better, why not create one of your own!!!
Think of Level One Membership as the live/online and recorded version of your personal owner’s manual for being Human. Each week, we gather as a community of like-minded seekers for 2 hours to learn basic metaphysical lessons for developing Self Awareness without judgment of ourselves or others, to heal, with energy medicine, the physical and spiritual blocks to our personal growth and to share our ‘Spirit Energy having a Human experience’ moments. This group offers Soul Healing Circle. A 45 – 60 minute sharing session that is interactive. ALL are welcome in this Elementary level Self Awareness school!
ML1: more information & to register
After Graduating from Soul Healing Protocol you will navigate life with your custom-designed roadmap of being YOU and using your Trigger & Power Energy to recognize the lessons of being Human in every single moment. Next is being able to use these tools in everyday life to create and maintain your own Self Mastery. As a community of like-minded spiritual students, we gather for 3 hours each month following the Cosmic calendar cycles, learning to be in alignment with our Truth and in unity with the Natural Laws of the Universe. This group also offers a Soul Healing Circle.
ML2: more information & to register
As you know by now – I crazy LOVE For Social, these are my recommendations:
- For those of you who believe in Soul Contracts this episode of the series called OPEN MINDS was great (Season 5; Episode 7). It discusses the importance of building relationships that are in our highest good and looking for other like-minded people.
- If you are really struggling with disconnecting from Social Media check this out… HYPNOTHERAPY FOR BREAKING HABITS (season 1; episode 7). While I did not use it myself, I have recommended it and have received great feedback. if you use it – send me a quick message and let me know how it goes!
- If there is an interest in gathering with other like-minded people and you are looking for a mentor or are wonder the value and importance then check out ABUNDANCE CODE (season 1; ep 7). The class is called The importance of Community Mentors and Masterclasses.