Bonus Material:
To support you on your journey to Self Love through Character, here are several OPTIONAL resources. You may not bother with them now but know that they are here, in your portal to come back to any time you are looking to level up in CHARACTER…
This is the pdf document called Self Mastery Program – Chapter 5: Character that Traci wrote in 2016 and reads to you in lesson part A. It is optional for you to print it or to read it on your own…
A book recommendation:
When I first embarked on my spiritual journey of Self Master I had no idea who Traci even was. I wanted to know about me but I did not feel like I could figure it out on my own. So I found this really cool book (possibly a more masculine energy tool than feminine, but who knows???) that held in it 101 ways of “seeing yourself”. It is described as “From Archetype and chakras to enneagrams and sun signs this book is an identity kit of physical, spiritual, mental and emotional self-tests”.
It is called WHO ARE YOU? by Malcolm Godwin.
I really found it help me look into the mirror and to put the pieces back together in a fun way.
An encouragement to JOURNAL
I cannot emphasize the power of journaling your personal and spiritual development processes. It is not what you write down but both the questions you ask and the act of writing itself that is so inspirational. If you give yourself permission to just start, even with a single word… start with your B4 and/or your B5 and just write a little bit every day you will be pleasantly surprised about how much you learn about your own Self.
You can find beautiful, fun or inspiring journals. The Dollar Store is surprisingly well stocked. While you will pay significantly more I have found incredible pieces of art called journals in bookstores, metaphysical shops and even amazon!
Try it – even if it is just for a few weeks to see if it is written (hahaha) for you.
Self Love Retreats
Three times a year I hold a weekend retreat somewhere in North America designed entirely to get out of your own way and to support you in being in a state only described as SELF LOVE. In these 5 areas of life called Self it is essential that we take time to nurture ourselves. If not our Retreats… find one locally that works for you. It is the best investment in CHARACTER that you can make!