Your 1-on-1 appointment is with Traci Trimble, PhD., D.MPsych. This is a completely different format that you have experienced to date. We will, literally, trick Ego by working through an intellectual-based exercise while channeling essential information from your Soul’s memory.
nIt is an interactive process where you will not only leave with the name of your LOVE stories – L1 purpose on this planet, L2 how you navigate the outside world & L3 how you nurture your Soul – but also you will know how you are triggered by your influential others, what energies are controlling your external experiences and what energies that you thrive in.
nThe session will take the entire 55 minutes. There will be time at both the beginning and the end of the session to ask any questions, concerns, ideas and/or to share any experiences.
nPlease use the link emailed to you when your appointments were booked. If you need help please email for supportu2026