This Week’s Lesson

Scales of Awareness

in the Human Being User Manual

This is a very interactive 1-hour long activity that creates for you the very first version of your Scale of Awareness, the map for your timeline, unique to you and to you alone.  I will also and exactly how to use it. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT work that you will do in this program.  This is why you are here.  You are here to KNOW THYSELF.  To know who you truly are and how you navigate the world around.  When you know where you are at in any given moment no one and nothing can or will ever have control over you!  This is the first step to Self Mastery.  This is a lesson in learning about yourself AND trusting yourself.

What you need to have handy before you start:

  • your DIVINE ASSIGNMENT pieces – D1 gender energy (male/female}, D2 true energy type (masculine/feminine), D3 Nav Type (Giver, Taker, Egalitarian, Parent, Child) 
  • your strength and weaknesses (emotional/mental)
  • your FEAR stories (F1 hard to be human, F2 alone & unprotected, F3 greatest fear I am bad)
  • your Triggers, Controllers and Thrive Energies
  • your LOVE stories (L1 Purpose, L2 Ego navigates outside, L3 Soul nurtured from within)

In this lesson you will be learning how to make your scale.  Your homework will be to take inventory of what you have learned about your Self so far.  You will reflect on the questions I provide and you will do your work honestly – when you are ready!

Building Your Scale of Awareness

This is a powerful and empowering exercise that will teach you how to build your unique chapter in the human being user manual.  It is exactly HOW you Self Regulate with both ease and consistency.  By “knowing” exactly where you are at physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually on your ‘Scale” then YOU are the master of your destiny. This scales of awareness tool is a game changer.

Blank Scales of Awareness PDF

Bonus Material

4 Levels of Awareness

Here is a quick walkthrough of UI to UC.  The four levels of awareness include unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, Conscious Competence and unconscious competence. This is a really great way to understanding not only where you are at right now but also if and how you are leveling up into a new awareness.

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About Scales of Awareness Workshop


In your Self Awareness Academy portal under ADDITIONAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES you will find several paid-for mini-series and workshops that dive deeper into areas of Self Awareness, Scales of Awareness, Energy Medicine and Self Mastery.

We are pleased to announce that a 2.5 hour deep dive into each key element (the chapters of the Human being user manual) and each experience from 0 to 10 is broken down into what it means to and for you, how it plays out the natural law of cause and effect with and without your awareness and exactly how you will use it to be mostly awesome most of the time!

Time: 2.5 hours; at least 1 hour of homework and tweaks (each month if you are in Membership Level Two)
Finances: $85
Resources: your SHP journal, paper, pen and markers; a bottle of water and a quiet place to work for up to 3 hours

In Soul Healing Protocol journey, you designed your very basic yet specific to your map for thriving within your timeline. However, with each new development in our Spiritual growth, we need to update our resources and that means really deeply understanding each of these pieces of your Scale in order to operate from this unique to you chapter in the human being user manual. This course does just that. This deep dive into each of the points of interest on your map provides you with that upgraded knowledge and is this portal is available for you to revisit each time you level up in your conscious awareness.

More information and/or to Register