Meet us live, on Zoom

JOIN your classmates live on ZOOM

I know that there is going to be a drive – especially for our masculine energy type, our my feminines who are out of alignment – to dive into all of the modules as soon as they open – and of course you do what ever serves you – however I recommend you just follow the process flow as I outline and this will literally be easy peasy!u00a0 START here… meet us on Zoom on the 2nd Monday in September for our very first of two sessions of Energy Medicine 2.0.u00a0 Once we you have completed that session then move onto Part 1: Lesson A, then Part 1:Lesson B, followed by your prescribed homework.

While you wait, might I suggest getting your old Reiki Manuals out and practice Self Care.u00a0 if you do not have Reiki then create a daily routine of listening to and being present in the energy of the GOCP energy medicine treatments as a healing guided meditation…