REIKI as the foundation
Reiki, for me and all that I teach, is the end all be all. It is the foundation of ALL that we will be, do and have in The Practitioner’s Journey.
It is simplistic, easy to practice and requires nothing more than 90 seconds twice a day to be powerful, activated and always at your command. It heals, guides, nurtures and protects. And ALL it needs is 90 seconds of your attention twice a day. It does not get any easier than that. Did I mention that all it needs from you is 90 seconds of your attention twice a day. Ohm sorry about that I guess I have mentioned that a few times so far!
The dictionary defines the word “foundation” as:
1 : the support upon which something rests – the foundation of a building, the foundations of our legal system.
2 : the act of beginning or creating – He has taught here since the school’s foundation. foundation. noun. Foun·da·tion.
Our practitioners tool box has been created by first understanding Reiki and our gifts are supported by our constant and continual connection to the purest energy known to man… Universal Life Force Energy! This is our ‘work’.
Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikhail Usui in Japan in the first quarter of the 1900’s. He describes what he was channeled to harness as a Universal Life Force Energy that is conscious, purposeful, intelligent and infinitely loving. This energy ignores differences in spoken and written language, inattention, impression or even a lack of clear intent will not detour this energy from its prime purpose – balance.
Its loving, compassionate nature will compensate for our human inadequacies. The Universal Life Force Energy’s intent is to do healing and nothing will turn it from this purpose or prevent it from accomplishing this end. All it requires is permission from the user and the recipient to activate.
The founder, Mikao Usui was born in Japan in 1865. It has been said that he devoted his life to study and in search of answers. It has been suggested that he discovered knowledge that had been lost about a method of hands on healing. After seeking spiritual guidance, not only did Usui teach others Reiki, he also
treated many people with Reiki. Reiki was popular in Japan and was imported to the Western nations through The United States in the 1940’s.
The three main principles of Usui that are essential the the current program you have embarked in include:
- Understanding the three primary elements at work within the human physical and spiritual experience (a) Earth Energy – physical matter, Mother Earth, grounding aspect of “as below” in mystical hermetic reference, (b) Heart Energy, Soul & Ego as One, physical meeting Spiritual, opening aspect of the creation of rhythm, and (c) Heaven Energy – spiritual or aetheric energy, Father Heaven, connected as the aspect of “as above” in mystical hermetic reference;
- Recognizing that Usui literally laid out the intellectual Spiritually based map for understanding the Human psyche when her created, taught and emphasized the absolute importance of the Reiki Precepts;
- Development of an intimate relationship with the Reiki Kanji also called symbols that not only invoke Reiki but hold energetic healing space while raising frequency and vibration of all energetic matter on the Earthly plane.
Ground ~ Open ~ Connect ~ Protect (GOCP)
To make Usui’s teaching of Earth, Heart and Heaven energy both energetically visible and a physical practice I created GOCP as a healing guided meditation in 2010. I have faithfully used this invocation, in various form, over and over as “medicina” – the true naturceutical provided combining by earth, heart and heaven energy.
As a “user” of this medicina in Soul Healing Protocol and/or the Membership communities you would be very familiar with GOCP as a form of Energy Medicine. As the Practitioner, it is now important that you understand the powerful implications of Cosmic energy at work while the GOCP healing is activated.
***You are being asked to use this medicina for and on yourself – every single day – and you are being invited to use these principles on your family, friends and perhaps even your clients – if not now then eventually. This healing incantation is a naturceutical – it belongs to Universal Life Force Energy… because it IS Universal Life Force Energy!***
What I love about GOCP as medicina is that it can be invoked in 90 seconds, 20 minutes or even as a 90-minute process – each having its own powerful sympathetic response.
Our mission/task here, in Practitioner’s Journey, as well as in Level Two Membership at a more subtle level, is to understand – no even deeper than that – is to comprehend that each of these three primary elements of Earth Energy, Heart Energy and Heaven Energy have been discussed since antiquity by the Mystics and within Primordial Orders as what Hermes used to explain as the Natural Law of Correspondence when he coined the phrase…
However, Usui discovered that these elements were not only a philosophical continuum for discussion but also that they were continually and eternally at work within the human physical and spiritual experience. Through my studies of Hermes, the Hermetic Mystical Traditions and my deep connection to Usui Teate Reiki, I believe that when these elements are harnessed in the “Imagination of the Ego” and harnessed “by the Breath of Soul” that we would embody the physical and spiritual experiences of being grounded and safe in the physical body, open to love and forgiveness (to give and to receive) and connected to what Usui coined ULFE – Universal Life Force Energy.
Since I crazy LOVE making new shit from old stuff I have taken what Usui discovered as the physical incarnation of Earth, Heart and Heaven Energy combined it with the Mystic’s philosophies within the Natural Law of Correspondence and made a wicked cool, super simple energy medicine technique in the form of a healing guided meditation called…GOCP
At the physical level Earth Energy is the frequency and vibration that our bodies experience as material – literally physical matter that which we use our five senses to experience – sight, scent, sound, taste and touch. These are all physical in nature and are perceived as “real”. On the spiritual level, Mother Earth is not only physically experienced with our five senses but there’s also an ethereal nature to her energy that has best been described as grounding. When we experience Earth Energy as feminine, and call her Mother Earth we are in relationship with the aspect of “as below” in mystical hermetic reference.
This “as below” energy is described as a place where our metaphysical roots, like those of an ancient tree, grow from our physical body deep into the core of Mother Earth – absorbing her mineral, nutrients and crystalized properties for our own well-being. Her medicina heals the “body” as we become one with her essence.
Instead of following the words of the meditation, it is time for you to practice being in the actual experience of GROUNDED. With every cell of your being to “experience” being GROUNDED into her energy. Sometimes this may be very simple and take less time than it does to say the words “I am grounded”. Other times, this will seem like actual effort. Either way, you must KNOW exactly what it feels like for you physically, emotionally and mentally to be GROUNDED TO MOTHER EARTH.
This supports the sacred psychic centre of ROOT chakra – our Base energy. I find it easiest for this to be a visual practice. I use my imagination to “see” my metaphysical roots growing down into the core of the earth.
O is for OPENING
Heart Energy is not only where there is both the experience of Ego (physical) and Soul (Metaphysical) as inseparable and indistinguishable polar opposites of the exact same energy operating as One, but also an essential tool that draws Ego’s Earth energy up to meet Heaven energy and to draw Soul’s Heaven energy down to meet Earth Energy. It is literally the Physical meeting Spiritual.
As Ego/Earth and Soul/Heaven meet, work in unison and are in perfect alignment the Human experience is OPEN.
Open to what? Open to the true and natural rhythm of the purpose we all came to Human for… to be open to give and to receive both love and forgiveness with ease – as Usui explains it with kindness and compassion for Self first and then as a natural transgression to others.
Instead of following the words of the meditation, it is time for you to practice being in the actual experience of OPEN. With every cell of your being to “experience” being OPEN as Ego and Soul in harmony with LOVE and with forgiveness. The LOVE you are very specifically drawn to are your LOVE stories (L1, L2 & L3) as the aspect of experiencing that is why YOU are here on this Earthly plane! Sometimes this may be very simple and take less time than it does to say the words “I am open”. Other times, this will seem like actual effort. Either way, you must KNOW exactly what it feels like for you physically, emotionally and mentally to be OPEN TO LOVE & FORGIVENESS. This medicina heals the “heart” as we become one with its essence.
This supports the sacred psychic centre of HEART chakra – our Light energy.
As a visual I use my imagination to “see” light coming to my front heart centre and then light leaving through the back of my heart centre.
Heaven Energy – spiritual or aetheric energy, Father Heaven, connected as the aspect of “as above” in mystical hermetic reference.
At the physical level Heaven Energy is the frequency and vibration that our Soul’s experience is materialized in Human form – literally a frequency and vibration that does not even register as “real” within the confines of space and time. On the spiritual level,Heaven Energy is home – 1st Dimensional Cause Energy. We call this Source, Cosmic Intelligence, even God. While Father Heaven, known as a masculine energy, cannot be experienced with our five senses it is indeed a very perceivable advanced conscious experience that we will be developing over the next year. The nature of this energy is best described as connecting.
When we connect to Heaven Energy as masculine, and call it Father Heaven we are in relationship with the aspect of “as below” in mystical hermetic reference.
This “as above” energy is described as a place where our metaphysical truth is channeled through a 5th Dimensional tube of light, pouring down from the heavens over our physical body – downloading lessons, rememberings from the Akashic Records and guidance from the Universe. His medicina heals the “spirit” as we become one with its essence.
Instead of following the words it is time for you to practice being in the actual experience. With every cell of your being to “experience” being CONNECTED to Heaven Energy. Sometimes this may be very simple and take less time than it does to say the words “I am connected”. Other times, this will seem like actual effort. Either way, you must KNOW exactly what it feels like for you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to be CONNECTED TO HEAVEN ENERGY.
This supports the sacred psychic centre of CROWN chakra – our Divine energy. I like to visualize it as a bright pure light pouring down from above me. It is warm, tingly and peaceful.
The essence created by invoking Earth Energy, Heart Energy and Heaven Energy with focused intention will always be a form of protection. It is a literal call to and permission given for the Guides, Guardians, Angels and ArchAngels of the 5th Dimension, who are eternally at work within the human physical and spiritual experience, to be ‘with’ you.
As we begin to channel and use the metaphysical tools of psychic surgery this will be an imperative process that must be mastered with and without unconscious competence.
Under the protection of this circle of healing aetheric Beings we are One with the light of God’s Being, our 1st Dimensional Self. This protection is from entities, attachments and non-beneficial energy that literally loves our Light as though it was the dessert bar at an all you can eat buffet.
Instead of following the words it is time for you to practice being in the actual experience. With every cell of your being to “experience” being PROTECTED by a circle of aetherical Beings. Sometimes this may be very simple and take less time than it does to say the words “I am protected”. Other times, this will seem like actual effort. Either way, you must KNOW exactly what it feels like for you physically, emotionally, mentally and to be PROTECTED BY THE LIGHT.
Bonus Material
Here are the short cuts to the meditations. I highly recommend that you listen to this as a lesson not as a meditation. Eyes open, takes notes, prepare questions…
Short GOCP meditation
Long GOCP Meditation
Reiki Precepts

In recognizing that Usui literally laid out the intellectual Spiritually based map for understanding the Human psyche when he created, taught and emphasized the absolute importance of the Reiki Precepts I have taken his teachings and created a nine-part mini series called “6 Simple Steps to Self Love” that you will find in your bonus material. If, in the past, you were a member of Level One Membership, then it is very likely that you have already seen this program. >>>
Bonus Material
In this 90-minute 9 part mini-series called 6 Simple Steps to Self Love you will be walked through the medicina created by Usui in the form of the Reiki Precepts. Enjoy!
Even so. I highly recommend that you watch it again. Your total viewing time for the entire series is a little ove 90-minutes. In class, on the 2nd Monday in September we will spend time diving into each of these elements.
I highly recommend that you not only know the precepts off by heart (see the image for a cheat sheet) but that you feel what they mean for you in times of need, healing or personal/spiritual development.
In this section of your lesson the intention is to develop an intimate relationship with the Reiki Kanji also called symbols that not only invoke Reiki but hold energetic healing space while raising frequency and vibration of all energetic matter on the Earthly plane.
While Usui Teate Reiki Degrees has four symbols – CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZE SHO NEN and DAI KO MYO – we will only be focused on two in this module.
Cho Ku Rei
This kanji is the most commonly used symbol in all of Reiki. It is the most basic and powerful Earth Energy. According to Dani Rhys, a Reiki researcher, “Cho Ku Rei [CKR] pronounced (Cho-Koo-Ray) is the power symbol as it acts as a catalyst to quicken and strengthen the Reiki healing process. The Cho Ku Rei aids Reiki healing by providing protection to the practitioner and receiver. By evoking the CKR, the practitioner can successfully tap into life energy and channel it to various parts of the body. The Cho Ku Rei is mostly used in combination with other Reiki symbols and strives to support and reinforce their powers. It’s most effective when it is used at the beginning or end of a healing session.”
Its purpose is to raise the frequency and vibration of each object to its highest possible energetic truth. I use this on EVERYTHING! I use it as I enter a room with strangers to cleanse and purify the space. I used it before any food or beverage I consume. I use it on my vehicle before I drive. I use it on my plants, my pets and my husband on a daily basis.
You will be using CKR before and after every treatment to secure the sacred space called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. I also highly recommend getting into the practice of drawing it on your water bottle and over your food using your imagination or your finger before each meal and notice the difference for your body!
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
This is the symbol that evokes the sacred place of “no space and no time” and is the essential component for distance healing to manifest on the timeline. While there are other ways to do this Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (HSZSN) is the easiest to use and I find that with constant use the sacred space automatically opens just by thinking of it without the need for ceremony over time.
According to a basic Google search, The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (hon-shaw-ze-show-nen) is the distance healing symbol in Reiki practices. This symbol has several meanings but the most appropriate one is ‘having no present, past or future‘. I love this interpretation.
For our purpose in Practitioner’s journey, HSZSN will be the means to both bring our own Self or our client into a healing place as well we will utilize this mode of transportation to connect to and access the Akashic records, which is a library of information on an individual’s past, present, and future. The Akashic records can shed more light on a person’s character, personality and behavior, helping you to properly diagnose and determine the appropriate method of healing.
I use HSZSN every single time I work with an individual – no exceptions. I have grown accustomed to activating HSZSN just by thinking about this Heavenly 1st Dimensional Sanctum. I want that for you, too!