The Secret to Success
There are three simple key expectations, that if taken with great seriousness, will indeed create an abundance of success on this journey. They include:
- Following the recommended and proven flow of this journey as outlined for you
- Be prepared by knowing what is next and doing your work honestly
- Create a commitment to be dedicated and disciplined
While each of these three expectations are equal, an enormous and important secret of successfully ‘Being the Practitioner’ is going to be capable creating, with ease, a commitment to be dedicated and disciplined. In many cases, this is also going to be teaching your people what your expectations are for your dedication and discipline. To prepare you for optimized learning, healing, sharing and growth I will share with you what is required to achieve such a commitment…
A Quiet Space
‘Being the Practitioner’ is going to take practice. You are in the process of learning to embody this practice. An essential tool that is key in creating and maintaining the ideal internal and external environments is the creation of a safe and sacred space within your home or office where you are going to be able to attend class, study your lessons, meditating or contemplate on the knowledge you are transmuting, and journaling your findings – all without interruption.
Creating this space may mean having a conversation with your family about the commitment that you are making to your Self and to your fellow practitioners of in class time, studying and processing. It may mean, literally, creating a sanctum in your home. it does not need to be elaborate nor does it need to be permanent. Just quiet and peaceful.
A part of our practice is about protection, cleansing and purification. In Mysticism, it is believed that a white candle is an anchor for Conscious Intelligence, the Source of the Universe. When we burn the a white candle and evoke protection the command is granted.
About the White Candle
Any white candle, the more white the more pure is the intention, is perfect. Since I personally have a white candle burning 24-hours/7-days a week I prefer the ones in a glass pillar. However, ANY white candle is perfect. We get ours at the Dollar Store for $1.25 each (sometimes there is a sticker of Jesus or Mother Mary, bit we just take that off). These last up to 40-hours of burn time. I have a fancy one on my alter, where I Astral Travel, I find those at walmart for less than $12. In addition, I always have white tea lights handy. I love the ones from my local Metaphysical shop but they are also available at the Dollar Store and Wal-Mart. Our class is approximately 4 hours so a tea light should last that long.
How to Evoke Protection
We will be lighting our candles, together in class each session, so I will guide you through that practice each time (as it may change every now and then depending on what we are doing). In your RESOURCES section you will find a bonus video that walks you through the process. If you do not have Reiki Okuden (2nd Degree) and do not know what the kanjis of Cho Ku Rei and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen mean, do not worry. I will explain this to you in Orientation. In the meantime, here is the basic script:
“By the truth of the God Power present within me, may the spiritual counterpart of this flame burn away any and all non beneficial energy in my heart & my mind, in this room & in this sacred quiet space; may this flame also activate HSZSN by transporting the hearts and the minds of all who work here with me, cleansing and purifying them and activate a constant flow of CKR” for this I give thanks, I let it be so, And so it is!
Importance of the command…
This invocation, while it is indeed an intention, it is also a command. As Human Beings we are granted the absolute right of free will and autonomy. Everything on this 3rd dimensional Earthly plane is a choice for each individual. With gratitude, are invoking our right to chose to be protected.
There are absolutely no words that would be able to emphasize the importance of using a journal (notebook or a computer document) to track your lessons, experiences and luminosities. I use my ‘Being a Practitioner’ journal every single day – sometimes multiple times a day. I use a sketch book, sticky notes and a multitude of coloured markers. I am not expecting this from you, I am simply sharing my personal process.
Figure out what that looks and feels like for you. Commit to the making the activity of processing your ‘work’ as a habit & belief.
Find a way that works for you that ensures that you have made the time within your daily activities for your personal, Spiritual and Practitioner growth and development. As a member of Membership Level Two – KNOW THYSELF you will also be asked to make this same commitment. The coolest part is I am asking the exact same thing* in both courses so you are fulfilling two commitments in one practice!!!
This is what you are being asked to find the time to act on each week (for my masculines – to do and for my feminines to be in):
1) *a daily spiritual shower – a minimum of 90 seconds (yet up to as long as you can make time for) twice per day – once upon waking and once before going to sleep at night; GOCP meditation, chakra balancing and/or Reiki is perfect.
2) Practitioner homework – a minimum of 90-minutes each week for listening to or watching lessons, reading manuals, study, processing and contemplation (optional journal work). Some weeks you will be asked to do treatments on yourself or Others and to document the results – the documentation time is not at all factored into the homework time listed above.
3) *weekly contemplation – a minimum of 20-minutes (up to as long as you want to; I do 90-minutes every Sunday) of meditation and journal work reflecting on the Cosmic cycle – Self Mastery area of life and the current area of study that we are in.
4) Online, live Zoom sessions – 4-hours of in-person lessons held on the 2nd and 4th Monday each month from the beginning of September to the end of April; plus support through May as you work on your Thesis.
This is my recommendation – make Monday night “your sacred time”. Not just during this course but always. Show up for yourself. Gift these 4 hours every week to your Spiritual development. Train and teach your people that this is simply what you do and who you want to be to is is simply what you do and who you want to be. If Monday doesn’t work pick what does. For example, since I am teaching on Monday nights, my personal practise in 3 hours on Wednesday and 3 hours on Sunday. That works for me… you need to find your own schedule that works for you.
I could literally spend four hours – no joke – talking about the importance of water to Human Being. BUT, did you know that there is just a great of an importance of water to our Spirit Energy. Yep! It is true. Water is the most important essence on this planet. While I am not going to go into the details right now what this section is all about is that in order for you to be in service as a Practitioner of the Metaphysical Art of Energy Medicine then you MUST be hydrated.
Part of your homework, to be completed before our first lesson, is to get hydrated! It takes up to 3-days of drinking half of your weight in pounds converted to ounces to just get hydrated. And then a minimum of 6x 8oz of water per day for an adult female or 8x 8oz of water per day for an adult male. here is the kicker – for any sugar or caffeinated beverage you will require an additional 8oz of water immediately after just to filter the poison from your system. These calculations are also ‘assuming” that you are consuming an adequate amount of healthy food that contain water like fruits and vegetables. If you are not you may need to increase water… or better yet make sure that you are taking good care of your physical well-being by mostly choosing healthy meals.
For example, if I was an adult female who weights 100lbs (easiest to do the math). I would need to drink 50oz of water each 24-hour cycle for 3-days just to get hydrated. Then a regular schedule of 48oz of water during my waking hours. If I was a coffee or caffeinated tea drinker I would require not 48oz of water each day but 56oz of water.
PLEASE make hydration a part of your commitment and schedule time to drink if you need to. Make sure you come to class with water and take regular drinking breaks!
For every client that you have there must be a working “file” that documents all of the basic information that you learn about them, that you are teaching them to learn about themselves and/or that they share with you. Your first (and most important) client and your guinea pig for this journey is going to be YOU! You, therefore, need to show up to all “Practitioner” sessions with your clients file handy.
I am very seriously and HIGHLY recommending that you have a Self Mastery Journal (if you are taking Membership Level Two – KNOW THYSELF seriously we create this each December in VISION for the future. You can wait until then or make one yourself now. It will be your client file for your own Self. These are the ‘tools’ that you will need to have not only ready access to but also a keen awareness of while we move through this journey:
1) you will need to have your Scale of Awareness handy at all times. This means that you KNOW exactly what your L1, L2, L3 — B5/B4 — F3, F2, F1 are and exactly what they mean to you.
2) you will also need to KNOW what you Divine Assignment pieces are – Gender Energy = male/female; Tue Energy Type = masculine/feminine; Navigation Type – giver, taker, egalitarian, parent, child and chameleon.
3) you will need to KNOW your precept for each area of life with the Cosmic cyclical calendar
Specific to just the PRACTITIONER”S JOURNEY, you will also need
4) access to your Portal lessons and printable PDFs
5) your BETR tool kit (this will be mailed to you in November; an email will be sent letting you know when to expect you BETR and DAS cards.
All of these recommendations are just that a recommendation. They are not mandatory. They are tools and resource that I have found to be integral in my practice as an Energy Work – for both personal and professional use:
- sound cancelling headphones (I prefer not to use bluetooth, but that is up to you) for meditation, study and Astral travels. The Dollar Store have ones that are great for awhile but will need to be replaced from time to time. My favourites are from Amazon. I got them in 2019 for $24. they are still awesome.
- a dedicated vessel for water that you can charge with reiki and write codes or kanjis one it. Mine is 96oz. I got it on Amazon for $18. I have seem similar ones at Walmart. I like mine because it is BPA free. I will show you mine in orientation when I share the kanjis and reiki codes that I use to infuse my water.
- the recommended books from the reading list in each module, but especially a human anatomy colouring book (they are so detail oriented and colouring them in literally trains the neuropathways of your brain to ‘knowing’ what that anatomy looks and feels like on a metaphysical level)
- becoming a member of Gaia – an online Metaphysical channel equivalent to Netflix; I will recommend very specific episodes in both this course and in Membership Level Two; it can be as little as $14 per month. If this is not in your budget please reach out to me personally. I will give you the log in and password to the True Path Corporate Gaia account that you can use while you are in this course.
As I have new recomendations I will put them here. I will also send you an email so that you do not have to keep checking back here.
Block off an hour, find a quiet place to watch Traci guide you through each of thes tool. Have your journal handy, drink some water and jot your questions down…