ARE YOU READY! The class of 2023 Practitioner's Journey is about to begin...

I sure hope that I do not need to introduce myself by this point in our time together.u00a0 So, instead, I would like to introduce my baby… the Practitioner’s Journey – formerly known as The Soul Healing Practitioners Program.u00a0
This program was created to round out the three offerings to humanity that have come to fruition from remembering, trusting in and knowing my Divine Assignment. It is without any doubt that I am here, on planet Earth, to be of enormous benefit to all Beings as a Teacher and Spiritual Guide.u00a0 My platform is the Divine Assignment, the Soul Healing Protocol and now the Practitioner’s Journey.u00a0
I am so excited and grateful that you have chosen to take this Journey with me. I am here to guide, teach, heal and support you – not just over the next eight months either.u00a0 It is my belief that God, the Universe, Cosmic Intelligence – whatever name works for you – has entrusted me with your Spiritual growth and development.u00a0 Please know that I take this honour with great reverence.
~ Traciu00a0