5 Closest People Exercise
Think of this healing session as a cleanse. It can be done anytime there is conflict in your social or anytime a relationship ends even when you have spent too much time peopling or being on social media. It is healthy to cut cords on a regular basis. Why, because you are not the same person with the same patterns or stories as you were when the cord attached. In social, cords are attaching all of the time even without your awareness, in times of peace cords of joy attach, in times of conflict cords of chaos attach. Cords of attachment keep us stuck in the same energy cycle from which they were created… good or bad this attachment sucks energy from our bioenergetic fields creating gaps or wounds that other non-beneficial energies are attracted to. While I am not going to go into it here there are other types of attachments that need to be cleared – check out the bonus section for clearing entities, attachments and non-beneficial energies.