Bonus Material

Bonus Material:

To support you on your physical journey, here are several OPTIONAL resources.  You may not bother with them now but know that they are here, in your portal to come back to any time you are looking to level up in FINANCES…

This is the pdf document called Self Mastery Program – Chapter 10: Financial that Traci wrote in 2016 and reads to you in lesson part A.  It is optional for you to print it or to read it on your own…

SMP Chapter: Financial

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Happy Money!

As you may have realized from lesson one, I have an affinity for Ken Honda.  He is brilliant, authentic in his career energy and spiritual in the way that he teaches.

Ken dives into Money Wounds and  focuses on Emotional Intelligence when it comes to money. Understanding where your trauma around money comes from is an essential step in learning to heal these money wounds and get you on the road to experiencing money as if it were a trusted friend who brings you happiness and security.

I attribute his HAPPY MONEY course as one of the resources that I utilized to get out of my own way with the negative energy around finances. He calls his program a healing program and I believe that it does just that.


If you have Netflix, they offered a great series in early 2022 called GET SMART WITH MONEY. It really focused on the mindset and the personalities of the coaches who made the series.

Also on Netflix is a documentary called MONEY EXPLAINED.  While it was not spiritual in nature it made good sense.

If you are into minimalism the series THE MINIMALIST had great reviews.  I did not watch it myself.

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While I have not watched any financial content on Gaia when I searched just using financial as the key word there were over 50 entries. If you searched for money there are as many if not more. They range from the material to the spiritual all the way to the wwwhhhaaatt!


In Membership Level Two we do sound healing in all areas of life;  while I have not offered it before I would like to offer this high-vibrational sound therapy.  It is excellent to use when you are stressed out by a financial situation, or when you are looking to create a specific financial energy or flow.

OM RAM RAMYA is a mantra intended to cleanse negative energy within and around you while also purifying the body and mind.  It specifically removes blocks to health, love and money.

Chanting is a very powerful way to move energetic blocks.  Sing along or simply just “feel” the chant within your being

om ram ramya