All Energy Healing Meditations

Healing Guided Meditations

In everything that Traci teaches there are 3 main meditations as well as a download that are utilized as the healing component of learn, heal and share. Each of the meditations has the same basic set up – HSZSH [a sacred place of no space and time], 5th Dimensional Light for protection; permission to do energy medicine from your Soul, active psychic surgery techniques, plus the unique intention – while all of them are based in energy medicine and are healing in nature each of the three has a very specific intention and as a result a different resulting outcome. No matter what you choose the meditation or the download will develop more intricate neuropathways through the cleansing and purification of the frequency and vibration of your bioenergetic field.

IMPORTANT – please remember – whenever you use these energy medicine tools you WILL process through the 3-day healing process.  If you have forgotten what that means please take the time to watch the video at the bottom of this module.  If you have questions of concerns please do not hesitate to reach out.

Within the description for each meditation and download you will find the theme of that particular healing – that will be your search topic.  For example, you want a meditation deep healing for realignment of a FEAR story or a specific situation you are experiencing.  You would search for a BETR meditation on your specific topic of interest. All meditations are a minimum of 8-minutes to a maximum of 47-minutes.  If you want a quick energetic cleansing then you would pick a download and search for the frequency you want loaded into your bioenergetic field…

Meditation Library

61 Videos
"Bringing Throat and Solar Energy into Heart Chakra"

“Bringing Throat and Solar Energy into Heart Chakra”

"Trust Intuition, Experience Thoughts, Feel Emotions, Listen to your Body"

“Trust Intuition, Experience Thoughts, Feel Emotions, Listen to your Body”

"Bringing Third Eye and Sacral Energy into Heart Chakra"

“Bringing Third Eye and Sacral Energy into Heart Chakra”

"Bringing Crown and Root Energy into Heart Chakra"

“Bringing Crown and Root Energy into Heart Chakra”

"Deep Ground, Open, Connect ~ Surrendering to all possibilities"

“Deep Ground, Open, Connect ~ Surrendering to all possibilities”

"Burning away all non beneficial energies"

“Burning away all non beneficial energies”

"Intention of Expansion"

“Intention of Expansion”

Journey Meditation:  Using your breath to take you to the place where love grows...

Journey Meditation: Using your breath to take you to the place where love grows…

"The Power of Words" Truth vs Reality Guided Healing Meditation

“The Power of Words” Truth vs Reality Guided Healing Meditation

"The Quick ~ Ground, Open, Connect, Protect Meditation"

“The Quick ~ Ground, Open, Connect, Protect Meditation”

"Deep Chakra Healing Meditation (Clearing Emotional Blocks)"

“Deep Chakra Healing Meditation (Clearing Emotional Blocks)”

"Chakra Balancing - Intention to fill each Chakra within alignment energy..."

“Chakra Balancing – Intention to fill each Chakra within alignment energy…”

"Healing Energy infused Meditation focused on Full Body clearing"

“Healing Energy infused Meditation focused on Full Body clearing”

"Who do you want to be?"

“Who do you want to be?”

"Being Grateful"

“Being Grateful”

"Deep Self Love Healing Chakra Meditation"

“Deep Self Love Healing Chakra Meditation”

"Deep Soul Healing"

“Deep Soul Healing”

"Walking guided meditation - journey..."

“Walking guided meditation – journey…”

"Alignment & Reintegration of Soul, Ego and Spirit SELF"

“Alignment & Reintegration of Soul, Ego and Spirit SELF”

"Energy Portal Meditation ~ Calling in your POWER..."

“Energy Portal Meditation ~ Calling in your POWER…”

"Meet YOUR FEAR STORIES - Journey Meditation"

“Meet YOUR FEAR STORIES – Journey Meditation”

Meditation: Clearing meditation (Entities  Attachments and Non-beneficial Energy)

Meditation: Clearing meditation (Entities Attachments and Non-beneficial Energy)

Meditation: (GOCP) Guided Healing Meditation - Spiritual Disconnection

Meditation: (GOCP) Guided Healing Meditation – Spiritual Disconnection

Meditation: Healing Meditation(Spiritual Disconnection)

Meditation: Healing Meditation(Spiritual Disconnection)

Guided Healing Meditaiton (Soul & Ego in Alignment)

Guided Healing Meditaiton (Soul & Ego in Alignment)

Long Healing Guided Meditation

Long Healing Guided Meditation

Guided, Healing mediation

Guided, Healing mediation

Deep Healing, Guided Energy Infused Meditation

Deep Healing, Guided Energy Infused Meditation

Healing Guided Energy Infused Meditation

Healing Guided Energy Infused Meditation

Vision Quest Journey Meditation (Heavy Healing)

Vision Quest Journey Meditation (Heavy Healing)

Deep Guided Healing Meditation-Being a CHANNEL

Deep Guided Healing Meditation-Being a CHANNEL

Deep Healing Energy Medicine Infused Meditation-"Using the Human Being User Manual for you highest good"

Deep Healing Energy Medicine Infused Meditation-“Using the Human Being User Manual for you highest good”

Journey Meditation

Journey Meditation

Healing Journey - Spiritual Connection

Healing Journey – Spiritual Connection

Peaceful Relaxing Guided Meditation

Peaceful Relaxing Guided Meditation

Deep Healing Physical Wellbeing and your Divine Assignment

Deep Healing Physical Wellbeing and your Divine Assignment

Doing a DEEP BETR (Bioenergetic Trauma Release) Clearing Physical Blocks

Doing a DEEP BETR (Bioenergetic Trauma Release) Clearing Physical Blocks

Clearing ENERGY Sound Healing

Clearing ENERGY Sound Healing

Bringing them Together (MOVEMENT and NUTRIENTS)

Bringing them Together (MOVEMENT and NUTRIENTS)

Gentle  Emotional Clearing Guided Meditation

Gentle Emotional Clearing Guided Meditation

Deep extensive healing

Deep extensive healing

Deep Healing Bioenergetic Field

Deep Healing Bioenergetic Field

Deep Healing to Clear your Bioenergetic Field

Deep Healing to Clear your Bioenergetic Field

Deep Guided Journey Meditation to Meet YOUR Fear Stories

Deep Guided Journey Meditation to Meet YOUR Fear Stories

Deep Healing Bioenergetic Trauma Release

Deep Healing Bioenergetic Trauma Release

Do your Own Treatment - Energy Fusion

Do your Own Treatment – Energy Fusion

Shifting the Chaos of the Mind to Feel from the Heart ~Aligning Ego and Soul

Shifting the Chaos of the Mind to Feel from the Heart ~Aligning Ego and Soul

(GOCP) Downloading Divine Assignment's Frequency & Vibration

(GOCP) Downloading Divine Assignment’s Frequency & Vibration

Transplanting You Back Onto Your Timeline

Transplanting You Back Onto Your Timeline

Meditation: Guided Meditation - Priorities, Decision, & Patience

Meditation: Guided Meditation – Priorities, Decision, & Patience

Energy Medicine - Owning Your Sacred Space

Energy Medicine – Owning Your Sacred Space

Deprogramming Our Social Rules & Realigning to Connection

Deprogramming Our Social Rules & Realigning to Connection

Cutting Cords of Attachment to Own Your Own Frequency & Vibration

Cutting Cords of Attachment to Own Your Own Frequency & Vibration

[Learn to Listen to Your Body... Why? - Self Love!] GUIDED SCAN & SELF SCAN

[Learn to Listen to Your Body… Why? – Self Love!] GUIDED SCAN & SELF SCAN

What is Mostly Awesome is?

What is Mostly Awesome is?

Becoming the Light - Preparing for 5th Dimension Existence

Becoming the Light – Preparing for 5th Dimension Existence

[GOCP] Using an Oracle Deck for Guidance

[GOCP] Using an Oracle Deck for Guidance

Energy Medicine: "clearing doubt, attuning to our intuition

Energy Medicine: “clearing doubt, attuning to our intuition

Meditation: Re-alignment to the Natural Laws of Polarity

Meditation: Re-alignment to the Natural Laws of Polarity

Clearing Blocks to Quality of Life and Self Love

Clearing Blocks to Quality of Life and Self Love

Healing the Emotional Blocks to Self Love

Healing the Emotional Blocks to Self Love

BETR Meditations

The BETR meditations are based in the proprietary energy medicine technique created by Traci Trimble in 2017 for her Doctorate of Metaphysical Philosophy where she specialized in Energy Medicine. As part of receiving her PhD she had to prove the results of a viable healing process.  BETR was born.

This BETR treatment is a deep and intensive healing guided meditation that aggressively moves through each of the layers of the bioenergetic field – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – into the cellular memory in order to release layers of non beneficial, unprocessed, FEAR story energy that is no longer of value to your human school experience and then activates to  realign that cellular memory to a higher frequency of vibration for the purpose of being ‘in-alignment’ with your Divine Assignment & Power Energy (even if you do not know what that means, your Soul Personality does – Power energy discovered in your B5 treatment in Soul healing Protocol). 

Anytime you need a deep shift in your unconscious awareness to activate your conscious awareness choose …BETR

BETR Meditation Listen Here

GOCP Meditations

These GOCP meditations are inspired by Usui Teate Reiki that teaches there are 3 elements influencing the human experience – Earth energy, Heart Energy and Heaven energy. Reiki is the primary healing tool as it is gentle and only releases what you are, at a Spiritual Soul Personality level, are ready to release.

The treatment premise of GOCP (ground ~ open ~ connect ~ protect) is a gentle surface healing that can also be very relaxing if you are feeling stressed out.  It will always have some element of GROUNDING your physical body by accessing your sacred root centre and shifting your vibration into the present moment so that ‘you’ know that you are safe, secure and supported from within; OPENING your heart chakra, the sacred centre of your Soul’s energy, to be in kindness and compassion with both yourself and others; finally CONNECTING your sacred crown chakra to the dimensions of the Astral Plane (heaven) that guide, teach, heal and protect you.

Anytime you need physical, emotional, mental or spiritual support choose o search in the below GOCP content…

GOCP Meditation Listen Here

Journey Meditations

The Journey based meditations are both fun and informative.  In these sessions, Traci will take you somewhere to meet either your Higher Self, a disintegrated part of yourself or a Guide/Guardian that has a message for your personal and/or spiritual development.

Anytime that you are seeking an answer to a question, please DO NOT ask outside of your own Self.  Choose the journey that is right for you, prepare your question and simply listen to the meditation…


Think of downloads as housekeeping.  They are literally a very specific ask for a particular frequency and vibration to be downloaded into your bioenergetic field.  The download – a single word –  will attract more of that energy into your personal experience over the next 3-days.

Anytime that you need a quick influx of beneficial energy like clarity, peace, kindness, etc you can search for the word and receive what you need choose a download…

The 3-Day Healing Cycle

Ask Traci Trimble, PhD

3-Day Journal Master PDF

Every time you do energy medicine, no exception, your frequency and vibration changes and creates more intricate neuropathways in your brain.  

This rebalances your physical state of matter to your spiritual state of aetheric energy. This is called RESONANCE.  This process moves through physical into emotional/mental and final through spiritual over 3 units of 24-hours.

During this time your Self Awareness without judgment is at it’s most transmutable… you are most open to learning more ablut yourself and making permanent changes for your highest good.  

I highly recommed that you journal be more conscious of what you learn about yourself…