August 2023 Behind the Scenes at TraciTrimblePhD


Behind the Scenes at TraciTrimblePhD

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What to Expect:

Table of Contents

THERMOGRAPHY coming to Port Perry

Come meet Dana from Thermography Medical Clinic – I am so excited to have Dana in my office this September to provide valuable physical body information to anyone interested in Thermography!   


Did you know that the skin is the body’s most intelligent organ and is “wired” with a communication network connecting all other organs and physiological processes in the body?  Let me ask you this… do you want to SEE what your body has been trying to tell you?  YES!, right.  Then check out thermography. And allow me to invite you to my clinic day in September:

This booking link is for my offering; however, ALL clinics in ONTARIO can be found below; choose anyone that works best for you.. it is that important!

‘What is Thermography?’

Thermography offers a non-contact and non-invasive way to identify and assess areas of inflammation that show up on the skin as variations in temperature. The skin is the body’s most intelligent organ and is “wired” with a communication network connecting all other organs and physiological processes in the body. In other words, the skin responds to physiological changes and a thermography device records those changes.

There is now a consensus that chronic inflammation is a clinical marker for a compromised immune system and the onset of chronic disease – even as the initial inflammatory condition may be asymptomatic for an extended period of time. 

Thermography measures the temperature at every point of the body and generates thermal maps of temperature variations. Clinically, thermography is a test of physiology that relies on the sympathetic nerve control of skin blood flow and the ability of the sympathetic nervous system to respond to and react to pain, pathology, injury or dysfunction anywhere in the body. By providing information on the biological activity of the body (metabolism and circulation), thermography is classified as a functional test. By contrast, technologies such as x-rays, ultrasound, MRIs and mammograms provide information on the internal anatomy of the body and are therefore considered to be structural tests. As recognized by the FDA since 1982, thermography is a complementary tool to these other technologies, and while none of these tools are stand-alone diagnostic tools, there is growing evidence of a substantial increase in the effectiveness of screening procedures when multiple tests, including thermography, are included in health assessments – precisely because each test provides unique information about the state of health. 

As the human body is one large inter-related system, and as the inflammatory markers associated with specific conditions can manifest in different areas of the body and be associated with different symptoms, there is often substantial value-added from analyzing the wider set of information available from more comprehensive thermography studies. For this reason, it is generally indicated that a full-body study, or at least an upper-body study, is preferable over studies that cover only a specific region (such as the breast or the cranial study). The additional understanding, including the correlation of different manifestations of inflammatory markets, is often valuable for practitioners in devising an individualized treatment approach. Every person deserves the truth about their state of health.

Find out if you have inflammation before it becomes a chronic condition:

  • Baseline Study visualizes the current state of health and prioritizes areas of concern.
  • Follow-up Studies monitor progress toward optimal health and wellness.
  • By producing a thermal map of the body, thermography allows you to visualize your health and encourages a more proactive and participatory approach to health and wellness.

At TMC, we call thermography a Health Discovery Tool and we consider it to be a very important part of a preventive wellness program. It is always important to discuss your thermography report with your healthcare practitioner. Dr. Sharon will be happy to support you.

Thermography Services

Breast Thermography ($215) – 30 min

A thermography study can help to identify abnormal vascular patterns and significant temperature differences which are associated with the development of chronic disease in the breast region, and it can also aid in monitoring the structural integrity of implants. 

In the area of the breast, thermography can aid in the detection of the following potential conditions:

o Breast Cysts
o Lymphatic Congestion
o Estrogen Dominance
o Generalized Inflammation
o Fibrocystic Breasts
o Hormone Imbalances

Women’s and Men’s Upper Body ($295) – 45 min
The Upper Body Study covers the head and neck, breast, chest, upper back, abdomen, and lower back.

In upper body studies, for example, thermography has been shown to be an effective tool for assessing the functional status of the digestive system, cardiopulmonary system, the lymphatic system, and muscular skeletal system. By seeing what the human eye cannot see, thermography can also assist the clinician in locating the optimal treatment areas.

Women’s and Men’s Full Body ($365) – 60 min
The Full Body Study covers the entire body—head to toe. Thermography helps to identify inflammatory, neovascular and neurological phenomena based on levels of temperature, differences in temperature,and appearance and location of thermal patterns. With thermographic imaging, we can identify areas of suspected inflammation and infection because they present with heat. Once an area of concern is identified, recommendations for specific follow-up tests and/or examinations become an important part of the thermography report. In addition, many dietary, lifestyle and environmental factors have been shown to play a part in the inflammatory process.

Featured Content


Choosing who you want to be matters!

In this month’s video lesson, I share with you what it truly means to BE your BEST SELF.  This includes how to best navigate the outside world – specifically our INFLUENTIAL OTHERS.  In a 28-minute lesson, I will cover a vast array of topics including:

Want more of that… SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel where you will find a wealth of knowledge about your HUMAN BEING USER MANUAL!this

We are all SPIRIT energy here on a  Divine Assignment to learn as much as possible about being Human… 

I am here as a
Spiritual TOUR Guide & TRANSLATOR of the human experience 
it is my purpose and my honour to be of
enormous benefit
to and for YOU! 

From Your Spiritual Xenagogue

A Spiritual Xenagogue: a tour guide of the Human experience & translator of the Human Being User Manual

I LOVE to learn.  It is a never-ending passion of mine and it benefits both of us greatly.  While I am currently pursuing my 3rd doctorate in Ontology and have enrolled in an Ayurveda Practitioner certification, my main priority since June 2023 has been the completion of my licensing process to be in-service as a Psychedelic Assisted Therapist.  By This time next year, I will be offering a well-rounded BODY | SOUL~EGO | SPIRIT therapy practice.  For the body, Ayurveda & Yoga therapy, for Soul & Ego bioenergetic therapy & the Self Awareness Academy and for Spirit psychedelic assisted therapy and sacred medicine circles focus on the theme of ‘KNOW THYSELF’.

In the meantime, I will continue to share my knowledge and wisdom as your Spiritual Xenagogue in these fun ways…

What am I reading?

Don Miguel Ruiz

At least twice a year, over my December and August holidays, I make it a point to re-read Don Miguel Ruiz’s 4 AGREEMENTS.

This book is easy to read, simple to follow and you do not have to be a Spiritual Seeker for it to have a profound impact on your life IF you choose to learn the lessons.

I will often go into second hand shops, used book stores and search at yard sales for these books so that I can give them away to anyone who might be interested.

In my opinion, this book is a game-changer! In my image below you will find quick and easy reference to the 4 Agreements.

Fun Fact: in my guest washroom there is an Oracle card deck of the 4 Agreements right there for anyone to get some inspiration!!

This bookmark was a gift from one of my Practitioner’s Journey students, Janet Stanton.  I guess she knows me well! Thank you, Janet for this awesome gift.  XO

What am I crazy about?

Everything I am crazy about serves one purpose and only that one purpose – SELF MASTERY.  To be in alignment with the natural laws, first and foremost, balancing the Spiritual and Physical… ‘As above; So below!


I love it when one tool gives me access to both physical and spiritual tools at my finger tips.  And, wow – do I ever love my COMMUNE App. This month I have found a connection, or better yet rekindled my connection with Gabor Mate.  Commune is FULL of truly great teachers, an abundance of courses and a wide array of yoga and meditation classes.

They even have a Youtube channel, a newsletter and so much more.  I am grateful to share them with you!

In the last 3 months, I have:

Who am I following?

Nora Lenz

This is controversial and nothing to do with Spirituality.  It all started when my beautiful boy, Angus, got really sick and then Freya needed emergency surgery – my vet bills got too much for me to handle and my pack wasn’t getting healthier with energy medicine or diet alone. Out of nowhere I literally found Nora Lenz – who I call my pet savior.

Her practices go against all things commercialized, vet-recommended and what we have traditionally learned about our pets and I am crazy in LOVE with her program.  We are into our 4th month and I have to admit the first 3 weeks were terrifying.  But… we are out the other side and my pack is thriving.

I am so grateful to Adi for sharing this gift called Nora Lenz with me and for anyone who has a suffering pet and mounting vet bills may I be of service to you with this!!!

Rotational Monofeeding

Stay tuned in the September newsletter for …

EARTH SCHOOL is a part of the ‘Highly Meditated’ live and in-person event series hosted by Traci Trimble, Ph.D, D.MPsych in Port Perry, Ontario, Canada.

These full day, live and in-person EARTH SCHOOL sessions takes place on the 3rd Saturday of January where we cover the lessons of SELF, June for INFLUENTIAL OTHERS and September for LIFE. 

In these 6-hour tours, we dive deep into the mystical teachings of following a cosmic cycle in your own life and in living in collaboration with both Mother Earth and Father Heaven. Depending on the month that we are in, the discussion and healing will be one of twelve the 12 great Earthly Lessons of Self Mastery.

Guided through a mystical experience you will allow yourself to be held by Mother Earth and Cosmically Guided by Father Heaven as you deprogram and release what no longer serves you and reprogram to invite in a higher frequency & vibration. 

Using energy medicine, meditation, yoga asanas, breath work, sound therapy and vibrational downloads you will be shifted into a deeper conscious state of physical and spiritual awareness.  

These dynamic sessions are ideal when you are ready to explore new paths or opportunities through ancient mystery teachings to better understand that you are indeed a Spirit Energy having a human experience.


TOPIC: LIFE - as a Cosmic Cycle

September is the beginning of the Cosmic Cycle of LIFE. These final four months are dedicated to cleansing and purifying all of the ways that there are infinite possibilities just waiting for you to attune to a higher vibration in your Career, Finances, Quality of Life and Vision for the Future.

What is the Cosmic Calendar and how do your unique cycles effect your ‘Life”; plus SEPTEMBER as the great Earth School lesson called Career – how just being YOU is of enormous benefit.

Saturday September 23, 2023 from 10am to 6pm

Port Perry, Ontario, Canada; the address will be sent to confirmed participants

A metaphysical lesson, bioenergetic deprogramming followed by integration and lunch; a bioenergetic reprogramming followed by a snack and an integration session; in addition an optional but highly recommended group integration Zoom Event on the Thursday following the event at 8pm/EST

How to create more Self Love

Show your BODY that you care… with WATER

Take your body weight in pounds and divide it by 2.  That is the number of ounces of water every twenty-four hours that your body needs to take care of your organs, your microbiome and your brain.

In the last 60 seconds of your shower, cool the water as low as you can tolerate.  This not only increases circulation but it also supports the body in being able to regulate your temperature.  This shot of cold helps to reduce inflammation and boost metabolism.

waterfall, woman, showering-1854202.jpg

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